The film goes deeper than just drunk people at clubs, he explores the minds and motives of critics and bloggers. I'm sure you'll find a greater appreciation for performers after you watch this.
What do you do when you're releasing The Spirit, Punisher, and Transporter 3 in the same month? If you're Lionsgate, you get me to create a mashup of all 3 trailers!
This is a very intimate look at my life, in an interview by Chris Lindsey at the Treasure Island Music Festival. I was hesitant to post this because it's so revealing, so please try not to judge. I'm just being honest and open.
Mike Relm Interview from tinymixtapes on Vimeo.
This was filmed for MTVU's "Ahead Of The Curve" in a really dope warehouse a couple hours before we hit the stage at the Treasure Island Festival last month. It was The Sideshow's first time on camera.
So we shot the video for "Everytime" (which features Del The Funky Homosapien). It went quite well, considering I never met Laura and Steven before. To be honest, I went into it with a backup plan if I wasn't feeling their performances. Acting-wise I knew it was going to be a tough job to pull off since it was all one long take with a lot of choreographed moves between the actors and the camera and various objects, not to mention the story that had to be told.
We did a couple run throughs and after the first one I knew Laura and Steven would pull it off. It was just a matter of getting the right angles and timing things nicely. There was also a certain moment where a certain liquid was to be poured on the floor. We tried leaving towels on the floor throughout the whole shoot, but it showed up when she walked through the hallway. So when you see her pouring the coffee out, imagine a bunch of people diving underneath her laying towels on the surrounding area. Pete Songsiri (cinematographer) did a great job framing the whole thing, and I definitely didn't want to compromise the shots for a bunch of towels.
Lighting was great, the loft had 20 foot windows and we estimated a good 7 hours of good sunlight. At about 2 pm Laura's hair and makeup were done and we had gone through it a couple times when everyone started to feel hunger pains so we ordered pizza and watched tv. When we were nice and full it was time to get to work. It took exactly 3 full takes to get the one that I used to cut the video. Laura really did a great job, I had a few ideas for the look she gives at the coffee spilling moment but the one we ended up going with was all her. If you can read lips backwards you can tell Steven was saying some pretty funny stuff during the argument. It got heated, but it was hilarious.
Overall, I'm super happy with how it came out. It's one of those projects that turned out even better than I saw it in my head. I love that.
Spectacle's first music video is in the can!
Let me know what you think!
Everyone started saying their good byes today, I think everyone knows it's going to be crazy in Irvine tomorrow for the last show. Last shows are always strange, you try to cram as much time as you can with everyone to give hugs, take pictures, and exchange contact info (even though most of our numbers are in the tour books that we've had since day one). Tour's a lot like summer camp but you get to perform for thousands of people and ride on sweet buses.
So anyway, San Diego is Tony Hawk's hometown show so as you can imagine it's a pretty big deal. We set up on the Chargers' practice field so crowd got to sit on the freshly cut grass, it really felt like a festival. I was told that as far as skate events go, San Diego is the toughest audience you can find. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that the best skater of all time pretty much created the industry out of there. Whatever the case, the athletes knew things had to be kicked up a notch today. I've got a great grasp on everyone's musical tastes by now so that's all covered. Tony's been dealing with the shoulder injury he sustained last week and Sergie's knee is the size of a softball. I don't know how he walks up steps, let alone skates a 15 foot ramp. Speaking of injuries, Kevin Robinson was out for about a week and has re-joined the tour for the last few days. Kevin Staab is also back in the game, he's been out since he unfortunately stepped on a nail at the venue in Birmingham. It's great to have both of them back, even though we've only got 2 shows to go. That all said, San Diego turned out to be one of the best shows of the tour. Of course, I'd like to think that everyone just closed their eyes and let the music take over, forgetting about any of the physical pain. But to be fair, these guys are pros and they've rode through worse pain and everyone seems to be in great spirits. Especially Dennis McCoy, but that's pretty much how he always is.
Off the topic, I've been getting messages on my Sidekick from a rapper who is trying to get a hold of his manager. Apparently I've got his manager's old phone number. Being that I've had this phone for over a month, I'd say it's high time for him to find new representation. So dude, if you're reading this, you should probably move on.
One more show to go! Irvine is gonna rock!