I was one of the lucky few to see this at the Comic-Con world premiere and was completely blown away. Not only was the film everything I'd hoped for and more, Jon Favreau brought out the entire cast and crew to watch with 2,000 fans. Epic experience all around.
It's been an amazing couple weeks. Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau caught my IM2 trailer remix on YouTube and brought it over to Paramount and Marvel with the idea of having me create something new for them. One thing lead to another and I found myself doing an Iron Man 2 TV spot!
A huge thank you (and major props) to Jon Favreau, Marvel, and Paramount for having the guts to get behind new and creative ways of doing things. As a fan, it's great to know that the Marvel Universe is in good hands.
When I met Chase at the Tweethouse at Sundance, he was introduced to me as a photographer. I don't know a whole lot about the photography world, but I did recognize him from a short film he did for the Nikon Festival:
Chase is an absolute BEAST behind the lens, an artist's artist. Take a look at his portfolio and you'll recognize a lot of his amazing commercial work, and his Songs for Eating and Drinking is a concept unto itself. He and his table guru friend Michael Hebb serve dinner and drinks for some incredibly talented musicians, where they perform songs for each other, artist to artist, just like the old days before they had audiences to play for. I can only imagine the conversations that took place. See it through Chase's eyes at www.songsforeatinganddrinking.com
By the way, his iPhone app "Best Camera" will help improve YOUR photos. And it doesn't end there www.thebestcamera.com
Do yourself a favor and spend an hour on his website and you'll be both inspired and humbled. www.chasejarvis.com This vid just gives you a taste:
Check out this video I did with the lovely Kristina Klebe! There's some clips you'll definitely recognize, as well as some unreleased goodies. Love her!
My life has been pretty digital lately so I decided to put a project together that let me step away from the computer and get arts and craftsy, at least for part of the building process. The idea behind this piece was to use the turntable in two ways that are on opposite sides of the technical spectrum. One being video scratching, which at the moment is the most advanced thing you can do with a turntable. The second thing is the zoetrope, which is the origin of motion picture. Anyone who has taken a film class will recognize the Muybridge images!
This was so much fun to make, definitely one of the best production experiences I've had. Helps to have a kick-ass crew, a few good ideas, and a beautiful location. We got to shoot at the Regency Center in San Francisco, which was built exactly 100 years ago, in a room that not too many people get to step foot in.
Here's an interview I did with one of my all time favorite publications, Wired! My apologies to the video editor, I think the crew and I were cracking up on 90% of the tapes. Such a good time!