Well, we’re just about at the halfway point and it feels like this tour started just yesterday. We’ve had to deal with a lot of unfortunate injuries in the past few weeks, the latest being John Parker and Kevin Staab. I’m really pulling for those guys to recover as soon as possible, they’re two of the most sincerely good dudes you’ll ever meet. Being the “new guy” on the tour it was great to see them every day with a smile on their face. Thankfully, I’m told that both of them will ride again soon.
Kevin Robinson joined us today and he’s been unleashing a whole lot of amazing tricks. The guy’s won numerous medals at X-Games and is definitely one of the best BMX riders on earth. Last week we watched as he broke the world record by flying 27 feet in the air at the Red Bull Experiment in Central Park, NYC! I don’t know how he does it, my stomach starts to turn just looking at the ramp he dropped in on. He’s one of 3 people I know who have held world records, of course the other two are Tony Hawk and Sergie Ventura.
I’ve been switching up a lot with the songs I’m using for the Huck Jam, seems to be working out. I know everyone appreciates a change of pace, it’s never a good thing to listen to the same songs over and over every day if you don’t have to. You know, I don’t think there have been many parallels drawn between skating and scratching. But something Tony says to the audience at each show is that “skating wasn’t always cool”. Neither was scratching. Now here we are, joining forces!