Rain, rain, and more rain. That's what I've come to expect from the northwest, and Seattle definitely had some showers going on. Not a problem, we just went with plan B and set up in the amphitheater. Like Boston, the ramp looked pretty fresh under the lights and the major upside is that there was no wind for the athletes to compensate in mid air for. Seattle was one of the best audiences we've had, even before we gave away Sidekicks. Of course, the moto parts of the show were scrapped because of the indoor situation but that meant almost double the amount of skate and bmx!
A lot of the guys on the Huck Jam are also competing in the Dew Tour, and today Jason Ellis took the liberty of calling out Dennis McCoy to do his competition run during his Huck Jam ride. Dennis came through, and showed us some new tricks. I asked him what the setup for the Dew Tour was like and apparently the ramps are completely different, so I guess it doesn't really give him a huge advantage in the contest. Best of luck to Dennis!
Like I said, the crowd in Seattle was great and they got to see some skate and bmx tricks that aren't normally done on the tour. Once again, Tony Hawk does not disappoint!
Mike Relm