Christian Crank Park
Christian Bale vs. Crank 2 vs. Linkin Park. Don't play this at work, unless your boss is cool with f-bombs.
Crank 2: High Voltage hits theaters April 17!
Crank 2: High Voltage hits theaters April 17!
Warning: this post contains graphic language, but this stuff is hilarious.
Most of you have probably heard the Christian Bale blowup by now. If not, click here . Basically, things got heated on the set of Terminator 4 and he went off on the director of photography for adjusting a light during a scene. I came across this next video, a hilarious response of sorts by Eric Christian Olsen on the set of "Fired Up". I didn't know much about Olsen before this but he wins points in my book for this.
Most of you have probably heard the Christian Bale blowup by now. If not, click here . Basically, things got heated on the set of Terminator 4 and he went off on the director of photography for adjusting a light during a scene. I came across this next video, a hilarious response of sorts by Eric Christian Olsen on the set of "Fired Up". I didn't know much about Olsen before this but he wins points in my book for this.
I just watched Jamie Kennedy's "Heckler" for the 101st time (okay not nearly that many times, but this is a damn good documentary). Anyone who's been on stage, has been to a show, or has written a blog should watch this. I'll admit, I've been heckled a few times and I've learned some cool tricks to turn things around but stand up comedians have it so much worse than musicians.
The film goes deeper than just drunk people at clubs, he explores the minds and motives of critics and bloggers. I'm sure you'll find a greater appreciation for performers after you watch this.
The film goes deeper than just drunk people at clubs, he explores the minds and motives of critics and bloggers. I'm sure you'll find a greater appreciation for performers after you watch this.
Lionsgate Official Trailer Mashup
What do you do when you're releasing The Spirit, Punisher, and Transporter 3 in the same month? If you're Lionsgate, you get me to create a mashup of all 3 trailers!